Pasta Minestrata o in brodo

In Soups or In broth pasta


Smaller pasta shapes, such as Stelline, Orzo or Alfabeto, are excellent allies on cold winter days.

In fact, you can prepare a steaming broth based on vegetables, meat or fish according to your preferences and drop the pasta directly into it. Cook it al dente, stirring occasionally and then transfer it to plates with a ladle, taking care to collect both the pasta and the broth. To fill up on calcium, add some grated Parmesan cheese, which will melt and give your dish an irresistible flavor.

This cooking technique allows you to dirty the pots less and to prepare your broth in advance, also using the stems of the vegetables you have in the fridge so as not to waste anything. You can keep the pot aside and put it back on the stove when you want to prepare your meal, making sure the broth has come to a boil before adding the pasta.

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